Tuesday, October 30, 2007

follow up comments to today's time and space session

Some of the projects david mentioned that includes photos from a day can be seen at http://www.247mediagroup.com/projects/day.html. There are more books than these though. I have one for Sweden that was published in 2003.

More photos by Vincent Laforet (the one with the incredible shot of the ice skaters) be seen on his site at www.laforetvisuals.com.


Time & Space

time and space and Orlan

Sunday, October 28, 2007

time and space

I think that modern architecture and interior design (shopping plaza, international airport) can show representations of time through space...

Monday, October 15, 2007


can anyone give me a ride down to LACE? thanks peeps

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tuesday class and Homework update1

Hi all,
Just a reminder, we are meeting at LACE (6522 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90028) on Tues at 1 pm. Hopefully, using alternative routes from Calarts, the roads won't be too jammed (see http://calarts.edu/news/14-oct-2007/i5closureupdatefacultystudentsandstaff for updates and alternative routes.) but I will update you as necessary.

The reading Allie posted is due on Oct 23 and I will give you your homework related to that reading in the next few days. Also on Oct 23, we will be watching the video The Good Woman of Bangkok- that the essay is discussing.
More to come.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

New Article to Read

Dear All,

Natalie has requested that you read the following article by Linda Williams. Let me know if you have any difficulty accessing it.



Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Art Show

This is a flyer with information for the show that David and I are part of the coming two Saturdays.




Vincent Laforet | Me and My Human

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

In regards to time and space

I'll talk in class about the following websites as well as the concept in general of people sharing photos online, being able to pinpoint when and where a photo was taken, and how that speaks about what time and space is to people today, not necessarily just artists.

the main website that illustrates what I'll be talking about is http://flickrvision.com

however the following websites are also relevant:

time space

time...from space. oh!


Time and Space Assignment

I find skydiving to be an amazing departure from traditional time and space ideas and I think it is the realization of a long-time human desire to fly.

Time assignment

This is a commercial picture of a Prius. Highly stylized, highly retouched. A Prius seems high tech today but both the style of this picture and the object (the Prius) will seem very old soon. The technology may be a breakthrough but being among the first will mean you also seem old sooner.

Space and Time assignment - 10/9/07

In 2004 Frank Warren created an art installation where people created anonymous postcards that bared secrets that they had never told anyone before. In 2005 he developed it into the PostSecret blog. Here people send in these anonymous postcards and he chooses about twenty to post each week. Over the past few years the blog has become an internet phenomenon. It is so popular that he has created several PostSecret books, the fourth of which is debuting today.



Monday, October 8, 2007

Alexis: Time & Space

Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty (1970)


(see SPIRAL JETTY, a film by Robert Smithson)

I will discuss in class. Thanks!

Brittany: Time and Space

here is what I think speaks about time and space today...



I will discuss tomorrow : )

p.s I don't know how to make it so you can just click on it...sorry...i am a bad blogger.
i just think this picture represents present time and space because, space is not just horizontal anymore (architectually) its verticle, and its verticle to the extreme. every city is always trying to out-do the other for the title of the tallest building in the world. we also use every bit of space that we can for advertising, not much space is wasted in our modern cities. well, you could say it is being wasted by these horrible or even beautiful sky scrapers and neon billboards. its also an example of time, we have cars that can take us anywhere at a pretty fast speed, the modern person can now do more in a day because of fast transportation, (well not if you have to take santa clarita public transit). its an overload of the senses its exhausting! all the advertising all the go-go-go of todays world. i dont know how anyone keeps up. makes me wonder how it will all change in the future. i think we have reached our peak and from here there's no where to go but down. i just cant imagine cramming more things into one day, there's no way, i believe in the future there will be more leisure.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

photo by jason langer 1999 "the visitors"
/Users/hannaharista/Desktop/jason langer visitors_99.jpg
